There is a lot of shame attached to infertility but it is way more common than you think. Our bodies are perfect with multiple flaws and sometimes you just need a little help. IVF is that little help. IVF stands for In-vitro fertilization and it is a medical procedure for couples who wish to conceive a baby and face fertility challenges. IVF has emerged as a miracle for couples who were not able to conceive. In all the assisted reproductive technology, IVF is the most common and successful method to have a baby.

If you are looking to visit the best fertility clinic in Rajasthan or anywhere else, this post will help you understand more about the process and we have even mentioned some suggestions for you.

What is IVF?

IVF is a medical procedure in which fertilization of eggs happens in a laboratory, instead inside a woman’s body. This is done through multiple medically approved steps by doctors. Read below and understand about the steps:

Stimulating ovaries: Medically a woman’s ovaries are stimulated to produce more than one egg per cycle for better success rate of the procedure.
Retrieving egg: After stimulating multiple eggs, they are collected through a small medical procedure done under sedation.
Collecting sperms: Qualitative and viable sperm is collected through a donor or a male partner.
Fertilizing: Once the eggs and sperm are present and ready to be fertilized, this step happens. This can be done through two ways, one is the traditional way and the other is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. Here a single sperm is injected into the egg.
Culturing embryo: After fertilization, the egg and sperm together form an embryo. The embryo is cultured and rested in the laboratory for a few days until it grows and is ready for the transfer.
Transferring embryo: Once the embryo is ready, three to five healthy ones, it is transferred to a woman’s uterus for implantation.
Testing pregnancy: Once your embryo has been transferred after three to four weeks a blood test happens to test your pregnancy.

Who can take IVF?

In-vitro fertilization is not just for people who are having trouble conceiving but for a larger population. We have listed some of the most common categories of people who do consider IVF to conceive.

Any couple whose fallopian tubes are blocked.
Couples in whom the male partner’s sperm count or motility of the sperm is low.
Couples in whom women have disorders like endometriosis.
Couples with unexplained infertility.
Individuals or couples who are using a sperm donor or a donor embryo.
Same sex couples if it is legal in your country.
Singles, if it is legal in your country.

The Benefits of IVF.

IVF is used widely in today’s time because of the multiple benefits it has for parents. It is not just helpful for those with infertility issues but again with a larger audience. Read below before you go forward with it.

Overcoming infertility: There are multiple reasons for fertilization to not be completed. From a block in fallopian tubes, low sperm count, low sperm motility, ovarian issues, endometriosis, it can be anything that causes hindrance in fertilization of the eggs. None of this is anybody’s fault and IVF treatment can help easily.
Help with age issue: It is the law of nature that when women age, the chances of fertility decrease, and it gets hard to conceive. IVF helps in such cases by stimulating ovaries and producing multiple eggs.
Unexplained fertility: Science has come a long way but there are still issues left unexplained. It is possible that the infertility tests might not reveal anything. In such cases, IVF works like magic!
Control: IVF treatment allows couples to have a better control over when they want to conceive as the eggs can be stored, frozen, etc and be used when the couple likes.
Better success: IVF has a better success rate than other fertility treatments and thus is the most preferred one.

The Best IVF Centre in Rajasthan For You

If you have read till here, then we know you are invested in IVF and might even be looking for a qualitative and reasonable center near you. Let us introduce you to Neelkanth IVF, which is the best IVF Centre in Rajasthan and has successfully helped many couples and people with their infertility issues. It was started in 2003, and is one of the top IVF centers in Rajasthan and has treated more than twenty five thousand people and couples. Their motto is ‘Realizing the dream of parenthood.’ Read below and see the pros of choosing Neelkanth IVF as your IVF partner:

Experienced doctors and embryologists: At Neelkanth IVF, the team of medical experts, doctors and embryologist is premium and experienced in the reproductive field. Getting IVF from such a team ensures you feel help every step of the way.
High-tech laboratories: The clinic at Neelkanth IVF has the best technology to assist you in your IVF journey. Procedures such as ICSI and PGT can be done in their laboratories to help you conceive.
Success rate: If you check this IVF center’s website the reviews speak for themselves. Neelkanth has been in the market for more than twenty years and it has helped more than twenty five thousand couples and individuals to conceive.
Personalized plans: When you are getting an IVF treatment it is necessary to find a clinic that helps you through it with your requirements. At Neelkanth IVF, you will get customized care plans for your treatment.
Affordable treatment: Getting IVF treatment can be expensive but Neelkanth IVF center understands the pain of not being able to conceive and has affordable rates for testing and plans.

IVF can be a tough choice to arrive at, however, once you do it is imperative that you find an IVF center that understands your requirements. Neelkanth IVF center in Rajasthan, provided personalized care from the best doctors and embryologists at the best rates in the market. Check out Neelkanth IVF’s website for more information.