The decision to study abroad can change your life. The process of selecting the right country, university, and program takes time, but it’s worth every second spent considering all factors before making a final selection! Moreover, selecting a study abroad consultant is as important as choosing a country or course.

Overseas consultants usually charge a hefty amount. However, the amount charged by study abroad consultants varies from one to another. Some might charge extremely low fee or even none at all! But what’s the secret behind charging zero fees? Let’s find out!

1. Partnered universities

Study abroad consultants typically work with several different universities. However, those charging a low fee tend to send students to their affiliated universities or country. You may come across certain consultants who only advise you for specific countries. They do so to send more and more students to their partner universities.

2. Commission

Another reason for study abroad consultants sending students to their partnered universities or countries is commission. By sending students abroad, they earn a commission on their placement. This can be a significant amount of money, which can help offset the cost of their education.

3. University ranking

University ranking is one of the main factors students consider when choosing to study abroad. Since the demand for top universities is higher than others, most low-ranking universities focus on enrolling students in order to increase their demand and reputations. Therefore, the consulting firms take this to their advantage and recommend students to low-ranking universities for a commission. In such cases, students graduate from low-ranking universities, increasing the university’s reputation and attracting more international students to study there.

4. Experience

There are many international study options available, but if you want to ensure it is the best one for your needs and budget, hiring an experienced consultant should be at the top of the list. With so much competition in this field, it’s easy to find someone qualified these days. However, problems can still arise when dealing with low-fee consultants who charge less because they often don’t have as much experience. This could lead students to make unwise decisions about choosing the university or program.

Wrapping up

Education is one of the most important investments a person can make in their lifetime. With the change in time, education is being utilized to make money instead of providing students with personal and professional growth opportunities. The bottom line is that if you are looking to study abroad, it is essential to find an advisor who has your best interests at heart and can help you make the most informed decision possible. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions! Do your research, compare programs, and choose the school that’s right for you.

All the best!