One of the best parts that you will know about technology is that tenders have now become an online process. Besides that, bidders can choose from both government and non-government tenders and online platform is one of the best platforms for choosing the tenders, viewing the documents, accessing it and so on. Another best thing you will know is that there are vendors who can advertise the tenders online now. Several vendors are there who will work out the process of advertisement of tenders through online process. Again, that does not mean that the online process of tendering has spread its wings everywhere. There are still some projects where the traditional method of tendering is used.

Tenders and Online Methods –

There are global tenders also which is most of the time done online. For global reach, it is pivotal that the advertisement or the tendering process should be done online. So, one of the benefits of RFQ online or request for quotation online and tendering online is that it helps in enhancing and expanding the size of the company and increase the business or spread the wings in different areas of business. However, there are still some of the governmental organizations where the traditional method of tendering or advertisement is still highly preferred. In addition, one of the most common reasons for the same is that in traditional open tender method it can happen, that certain proposers will not be missed out, important ones. Or else in online tendering, there are chances of skipping some applicants

Liability of the Tender Board –

Besides, that another best thing you will know is that RFQ software has also come up these days. So, making a request for quotation online has become very easy. There are certain tender board liability also that you should check. In every stage of the project in tender board, the tender board has certain responsibilities which they have to follow or take care of. They are as follows – the first and the foremost responsibility that they have of is to accept the tendering and the documents of contracts. Next, they also have to accept the procurement and disposal through the process of tender. Then, they have to review the applications by the bidder and check if there is any kind of changes or any amendments, which is made in the contracts within its jurisdiction.

Online Tender and the Criteria –

Next, liability that the tender board has to take is that of settlement of references from the PMU and they need to check the award of contracts. Besides the liability, there are different kinds of e-tenders and tenders. In addition, these tenders depend on the complexity of the work and the nature of work and the skills that are needed to manage the need of the work which is as per the regulations. One of the simplest and the common forms of tenders that are used is the open tender. Government organizations, non-profit organizations and private organizations use the open tender method. It is a kind of online tender published in the sites concerned and has details like the company, its work, and quotations. Some of the information that it consists of are deadlines, application submission last date, eligibility, budget, documents needed and process of submission and other details.