Even for working people, obtaining a home loan can be time-consuming, with many approvals and numerous eligibility criteria. It may appear unattainable for senior individuals who have retired from their jobs to acquire a home loan. Lending money to retirees is, of course, a risky business for lenders. The cause of risk lies in the fact that they may not have a consistent source of income. There are, however, options for a retiree to get a home loan. After retirement, home loans are typically granted with a low loan amount. Because having a co-applicant minimizes the lender’s credit risk, the odds of acceptance rise together with the loan amount.

Here are a bunch of tips you can follow to increase your chances of approval

Include a co-applicant who is currently employed.

The lender’s credit risk is reduced by adding a co-applicant, preferably someone with a steady income and a solid credit score.

If a retiree joins an earning individual as a co-applicant, their chances of getting a home loan increase significantly. Not only does adding a child or spouse as a co-applicant boost the odds of getting a house loan, but it also increases the total loan amount. Furthermore, if you apply for a loan with your children or spouse, you may be eligible for longer-term as well as tax benefits. Your EMIs will be lower if you have a longer-term.

Make use of an EMI Calculator.

It is now simple to calculate the Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) that an individual must pay towards a home loan, thanks to the integration of technology into banking and finance. Retired people might use this to predict the monthly cash outflow they’ll need to pay off their mortgage. Understanding this before applying for a loan minimizes the chances of rejection because retirees can apply for a loan based on their repayment capabilities after conducting enough research.

The EMI calculator will evaluate all of the information and present you with all of the loan facts by filling in essential details like interest rate, loan tenure, loan amount, down payment, etc. This calculator offers information such as how much interest you’ll have to pay on your house loan, how much the principle is, and, of course, how much your Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) will be.

Try not to over exceed the age limit.

When applying for the loan, the borrower’s age should not exceed 70 years. Banks and lenders typically grant loans for people up to 70 years, with a loan repayment period of up to 75 years. As a result, if you take out a loan at the age of 70, you will only be offered a 5-year loan.

Credit score

Your credit score is one of the most crucial elements that banks consider before accepting your house loan. It is also a significant factor in deciding the interest rate on your home loan. If your housing loan application is denied, your credit score will suffer, and all future loan applications will most likely be rejected.

Before submitting their loan application, retired home loan applicants should verify their credit scores. A credit score of around 750 or higher is often considered good by most lenders. As a result, checking credit scores before applying for a home loan will allow people with lower credit scores to take corrective action to improve their credit score progressively and then apply for a loan with enhanced loan eligibility.

Focus on borrowing less

A lower loan-to-value (LTV) ratio may make getting a loan easier for you. A higher ratio implies you’ll have to contribute a more significant portion of your own money to purchase the home.

By choosing a lower LTV ratio, the borrower will contribute more to the property’s cost and lower the EMI. Lower EMIs will boost loan affordability, while a more considerable borrower contribution will minimize the lender’s credit risk.

PSBs are an excellent option for retirees who want to borrow money.

When looking for a lender after retiring from a job and receiving a pension, check for public sector banks (PSBs). Government banks/PSBs give pensioner loans that you may be eligible for. In comparison to personal loans, these have slightly lower interest rates.